Hi, my name is Chris Winger
I'm a Full Stack Drupal Engineer.

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About Me

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I am an Acquia-Certified Drupal engineer with experience leading distributed teams on-and-offshore on Drupal projects of all sizes. I have a proven track record delivering forward-looking solutions for the federal government, major brands and Fortune 500 companies.

I'm a front end expert that is passionate about building clean, extensible code, using modern tools, incorporating design systems and a component driven approach, and providing content authors a rich and flexible experience.

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Recent Projects

University of the Cumberlands Website

Lead developer on a rebuild of UC's site in Drupal 10. This was a challenging build with a very tight schedule but we delivered on time for Fall Semester 2023. Dramatically improved authoring tools for the client leveraging reusable components and Layout Builder. Built out new local development tools for agency partner Primacy. Launched on Acquia.

Connecticut Children's Hospital System Website

Lead developer on a new website build in Drupal 10 for a major hospital system in Connecticut. Oversaw a team of developers and worked closely with the client, creative team, and business analysts through all phases of the project. With agency partner Primacy.


Frontend Lead on Drupal 7 to Drupal 9 upgrade for the federal government. New theme leveraging US Web Design System. Developed advanced multilingual support and layout builder integration. With agency partner VG Systems.

Past clients


Ready to build something together?

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